My return to Micro 4/3 system

May 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I just want to post a short blog and update today about my return to micro 4/3rd.

A while back I wrote about my shift from Fullframe to micro 4/3 system. A lot has happened since that post and I have gone from using the Olympus Kit I had when I wrote that topic to several other Olympus bodies and lenses, a few Panasonics, Ricoh, Fuji and even went back to Nikon. In the end I came back full circle to Olympus and I just received my latest body, it's the Olympus E-M10 and a few lenses that I think better fits my shooting style. 

Here's a photo of my latest kit. Olympus E-M10 with the 14-42mm EZ, Olympus 9-18mm f/4-5.6, Olympus 45mm f/1.8 and Olympus 40-150mm f/4-5.6 R.


I have not really been seriously shooting much lately and was just testing out various systems and not focusing on taking better photos. I am hoping that with this kit, I will be back to taking the kind of photos that I used to take and capture my travels in a way that I have never done before. 

If you are asking why I came back full circle to m4/3, my answer is simple, the image quality from the cameras on this system has come a long way and if you consider how small the package is, it is really amazing. I mentioned that I tried to get back to DSLR again and bought the Nikon D5200, Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 and 55-300mm but I found the AF sluggish and inaccurate. It is also not as travel friendly as m43 so I decided to let it go and ordered the E-M10. 

Here's how small my current kit is. I took a photo of it beside my phone, Samsung Galaxy Note II. The bag is an Amazon basic bag that I got for like $10 and the lens on the small pouch outside is the 40-150mm. 


Inside it looks like this: E-M10 and the 14-42mm EZ, while the 9-18mm is underneath the 45mm f/1.8.


So I will definitely write a more thorough write up of my adventure with this set up. I have always been a wide angle shooter and the 9-18mm should be able to satisfy my needs. The 14-42mm EZ is very small and is great as a walk around lens. The 45mm f/1.8 for lowlight and portraits and the 40-150mm is for the occasional telephoto shots that I take. I might need one more wide angle fast lens but with the good high ISO performance of the E-M10 I might be able to get by using the 14-42mm EZ instead. 

I will be putting this kit to the test in the coming weeks as I go around Japan for 2 weeks. So watch out for my travel photos when I get back. 


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